There are two(2) main non-negotiable requirements one needs to meet before 

1. Land

2. Proof of Employment and Regular Income




Without you owning land, free and clear (unencumbered), you cannot use this service. You can come with your own land or buy one from any seller or vendor you want, so long as it meets our qualification requirement. However, if you need help with buying land, you can look at our Land Purchase Assistance.


Your land MUST:

• be registered in your own name (or a registered business you're a shareholder or owner of).

• be located within any of our covered regions.

• not have been used as an existing collateral

• be litigation-free





After you have demonstrated proof of unencumbered litigation-free land, you need to demonstrate proof of regular monthly income from your legitimate employment from which you're expected to pay us from after completion and handover.


Income Regularity

Because you're going to repay us over a long period of time(if you're not making one bullet payment after completion and handover), we expect you to demonstrate that your monthly income is regular and can pay back the pre-agreed monthly amounts comfortably now and in the future.


We have different income requirements for all qualified categories:

Ghana Resident Public/Private Sector Salaried Workers

Ghana Resident Registered Business Owner

Ghana Registered Entities

Non Resident Income Earners

Joint Applications



Commercial Project Specific

Ability to Repay assessment for owner-occupier for salaried workers is tied solely to their verified net monthly income above GHS2,000.

If you're for a commercial project with non-existent historical sales/revenue data, you will need to provide us with credible feasibility study and/or personal guarantee.





How it works

Building Construction Process

Our Offices