Having a litigation-free land does not automatically guarantee we'll take up your project. There are different ways one can demonstrate ability to repay, depending on your qualifying category. We won't take on or start a project until we are satisfied of the credible clear-cut repayment pathways.

The minimum verifiable net monthly salary or revenue to qualify to use our services is GHS2,000. The actual project size you qualify for depends on a variety of factors.



 Owner-Occupier and Residential Rental / Sales Project (Less than four units) can only be assessed by Salaried Workers (Public/Private Sector). The project size for an owner-occupier residential projects cannot be more than the number of months to retired times 50% of your current net monthly salary.

Documentation to verify your income, assets, employment, and debts.

• Recent copies of tax returns

• Most recent two recent payslips

• Document of rental income for people earning through real estate.

• 60 days of account Statement for accounts being used to apply for the mortgage (where applicable)

• Creditors name and address of every creditor

• Submit utility bills or bills of regular payment

• Submit statements of any property that is paid by mortgage currently

• Divorce statement, rent receipts, and statement of downpayment


Ability to Repay Example 1A:

If you're a 30yr old Public or Private Sector Salaried Worker with a current net monthly regular income of GHS2,000, your maximum project cost cannot exceed GHS360,000.


GHS360,000 = GHS1,000 (50% monthly net) times 360 months till pension at age 60 (12 months times 30yrs).  


Ability to Repay Example 1B:

If you're a 30yr old Public or Private Sector Salaried Worker with a current net monthly regular income of GHS2,000, and that of your spouse of the same age (for example purposes) is say GHS1,500, your combined maximum project cost cannot exceed GHS630,000.

GHS360,000 = GHS1,000 (50% monthly net of GHS2,000) times 360 months till pension at age 60 (12 months times 30yrs) PLUS

GHS270,000 = GHS750 (50% monthly net of GHS1,500) times 360 months till pension at age 60 (12 months times 30yrs).




We expect all commercial project owners to demonstrate clear repayment plan. If you're an existing business of not more than 5yrs of operations, we expect you to furnish us with your business bank statement for that last 2 years of your operations, in addition to credible Feasibility Study (which could be part of your business or investment plan).

You must be a registered business or entity to apply for the commercial project category.

Documentation to verify your income, assets, employment, and debts.

• Filed Profit and Loss statement for registered businesses, independent contractors, freelancers, other commercial setups

• Proof of Business or Entity Registration in Ghana or the UK.


Alternative Application Routes for Businesses

If you don't have any substantial historical sales data to enable us assess your application directly here, you can always signup with GhanaStartup.org (corporate sibling & part of The DCANS Group Limited) to facilitate the process.