Before one can be allowed to put up any structure in this country, one must have obtained a building permit from the local government. This gives one the approval to commerce the said project mentioned in the permit. We will never start  a new project or continue an uncompleted building project without a valid building permit.

It's important you know and understand what a building permit is, the procedures involved, and how to get the permit. Anyone seeking to build in Ghana requires a building permit, whether you are seeking to build a residential or commercial property. Obtaining a building permit is important to ensure that the property being constructed conforms to regulations.

The first step in building property is to apply to the government body in charge of issuing building permits, either the Municipal or Metropolitan Assembly (depending on where your land is located).



1. The basic requirements for a building permit include an application form; a town and country planning application with two sets of site plans, architectural drawings, certificate and an official letter showing the status of the land; or a land title registration, which can be obtained from the Lands Commission.

If you are seeking to construct a multi-storey building, you will also need to include a structural analysis report. Other important requirements which you might be required to provide (depending on the project type) including an Environmental Impact Assessment Report, as well as fire and hydro reports.


2. Complete and submit the building permit form with the required documents to the Town and Country Planning Unit. Submission can be done on any day of the week (except on Fridays with some assemblies). After submitting the form, one will be required to pay a processing fee and a receipt issued. A date is then arranged for a site inspection to be conducted.


3. A Joint Technical Sub-committee will then undertake a site inspection on the agreed date with the applicant. Other departments from the assembly will also assess the application before a report is submitted to the Joint Technical Sub-Committee within ten days.


4. Within nine days, the assembly planning committee will meet to discuss final approval of a developer’s application. This is normally decided after an evaluation meeting with the Joint Technical Sub-Committee. The decision taken during the evaluation meeting is communicated to the applicant within ten days of the meeting.


5. It is important to note that applicants are required to pay a permit fee at the Metro / Municipal Works Department of the assembly. Refusing to pay this fee within 28 days means the applicant will forfeit the permit, and all fees paid earlier will be lost.


6. After paying the building permit in full, the applicant can collect the Permit Certificate from the Metro/Municipal Works Department. This should be made available within ten working days after the Secretary of the Planning Committee has approved the list.